This recipe was prepared with freshly cut spinach and I filled a Deep Pot and added water, brought to a boil. In a separate pot 3 cups water 1 1/2 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon salt, bring to a boil and shut off while adding 1 cup rice, cover it with a cotton towel under cap, wait for the water to evaporate, stir rice after 10 min. In a Frying pan add 3 -5 tablespoons olive oil, 2 cloves garlic sliced, 1 onion peeled and sliced, 5-6 mushrooms, let them fry a bit and then add 1 fresh onion root, 3 tomatoes, sift the spinach and mix it in (As is for PIE Filling add some FETA). Add rice, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, mix and let it sit for 10 minutes , Bon apetite. You could add many things to this, imagination is the limit!!!
Recipe Fotios Evangelopoulos